The AIEA committee is happy to announce the results of the AIEA’s call this past spring for conference and workshop proposals to be held in late 2023 and early 2024. Two proposals have gained support from the AIEA:

  • Dr. Gohar Grigoryan, for a conference entitled “Spaces, Landscapes, and Social Lives of the Cross in Medieval Armenia and Georgia” to be held in November 2023
  • Prof. Jasmine Dum-Tragut, for a workshop entitled “Armenian Cultural heritage – understand, appreciate, protect!” to be held in October 2023

In view of the success of the previous call, the steering committee of AIEA is soliciting proposals for workshops to be organised in the year 2024, albeit not coinciding with the General Conference that will take place in September 2024.

The proponents will host the event with the support of their institutions and shoulder all organisational tasks, while the AIEA will contribute up to 2,000 euros to the organisation and offer scholarly support and networking opportunities.

Proposals must be sent to the President, Prof. Valentina Calzolari (, with the Secretary ( and Treasurer ( in copy,before 31 December 2023. The dossier should include the names of the organiser(s) and host institutions, a concept for a workshop (max 1 page, including a list and/or the number of participants to be invited if possible), and ideally a provisional budget.

Early Modern and Modern topics are especially welcome, particularly those concerning the recent history of the Artsakh region, although all proposals relevant to the field of Armenian Studies (broadly defined) will be considered. Preference will be given to newly-developed proposals rather than to proposals for conferences already in an advanced stage of planning.

All members in good standing may apply, irrespective of their membership level, as long as they have the support of their host institutions and can obtain additional funding if needed.

The committee remains at the membership’s disposal for all clarifications.